Writing Process of Our Company
At GreatDissertation.com we approach the challenge of writing academic papers very seriously. The peculiarities of our writing process have made us one of the world’s leading research and writing resources for students who are looking for that extra little bit of help that will ensure their academic and professional future.
Every writer, researcher and proofreader who seeks employment with GreatDissertation.com is screened and graded on their academic background, level of experience and professionalism. Only those applicants who illustrate outstanding abilities and hold advanced academic degrees (either a Masters or PhD) will make the final cut and be allowed to help our valued clients produce the well researched and written theses and dissertations that make up such an important part of their academic careers.
Fill in the order form with full requirements about your assignment and your current contact information.
Your payments are transacted through a secure payment system and safe receipt will be issued by the billing team.
Step 3
We provide your order
Our writers create an original paper by your instructions from start to finish. Of course, it will be proofread by editor.
Step 4
Download your papers
On time of your deadline, you will receive an email notification that your paper can be downloaded from the personal account.
When you purchase a thesis, dissertation or other academic paper from GreatDissertation.com you can rest assured that the best, most knowledgeable, professional academic writers are working on your paper. Every paper produced by GreatDissertation.com will always be held to a First Class or 2:1 academic standard.
To ensure that every paper written at GreatDissertation.com meets the highest academic standards every step of its development follows a rigid, analytical method that has proven itself successful over the past years and thousands of previous academic writing projects. So that your paper will adhere to whatever format your professor, advisor or university demands all of our writers are required to be fully familiar with the MLA, APA, Turabian, Chicago and Harvard styles of construction, citation and referencing.
Once a customer’s particular dissertation or thesis topic has been approved by their professor and advisor our team of reviewers, editors, writers and researchers will begin developing a full Research Proposal, Literature Review and Methodology package that will cover the development of the final thesis or dissertation project. Only once this initial package has been fully vetted and approved by your advisors will the actual writing process begin.
10% word count difference
(300 words instead of
270 words per page)
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How It Works
Once your proposal had been approved and you are ready to begin the writing process GreatDissertation.com will assign a professional writer, with a PhD degree in your chosen field of inquiry, to handle the research and development of the actual paper. The first step of this phase of work will be to thoroughly research the topic at hand. All papers produced by GreatDissertation.com are researched ‘fresh’ – we never refer back to existing papers or recycle previously used information. During this phase of the work you and your assigned writer will want to keep in close contact, via the GreatDissertation.com messaging system, to ensure that your paper takes on the exact shape and content that you have in mind. You may have specific information or citations that you want included in the paper – now is your chance to send that information to your writer. Your writer may also need input from you concerning specific details about content, style or formatting issues. The better you communicate with your writer the more exact and precise your finished paper will be.
When your writer has completed a first draft of your paper they will submit it to you for your approval. This is your chance to pick out any details you feel need to be changed, added or deleted so that your finished paper conforms as closely as possible to your original concept.When you have reviewed this first draft and returned the paper, your writer will conduct any necessary additional research and compose the final version of the paper according to your instructions.
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When the writer has completed work on your paper it will go before the GreatDissertation.com board of editors who will conduct a thorough check for any errors in spelling, grammar, sentence construction or word usage.The edited paper will then be subjected to a computerized program designed to detect any inadvertent passages that might be construed as having been plagiarized from previously existing works. When outside sources are included in a paper from GreatDissertation.com they will always be properly cited according to your chosen format style. Every paper written at GreatDissertation.com will always be original in content – your paper is yours and yours alone – it will never be a reworked version of a previous paper or include any plagiarized material. Only when the paper has successfully passed this in-depth review and verification process will it be sent to you. You will receive your finished paper by way of a downloadable file which we can send to your email in box or which you can retrieve directly from our website.
When you hire GreatDissertation.com to help you write your thesis, dissertation or other important academic paper you are always assured that you are receiving the very best, most professionally written paper available anywhere – and, like you, GreatDissertation.com believes this is exactly what the best academic papers should be. Do you deserve any less than the best?