Writing Formal Reports Effectively: Expert Ideas and Tips
The students typically get used to the assignments they get from their professors, and if they are asked to work on writing formal reports instead of the essays they know everything about, they can get confused. An essay assignment is aimed at defending the writer’s perspective on the issue. It has no headings and its structure is typical for all kinds of essay writing. Reports have a different format as they have to be structured to discuss a raised topic. It is essential to gain an insight into the standards of report writing before you start writing the first sentence. It is not possible to be good at working on reports without corresponding skills and knowledge. As soon as you get a task to write a report, you should study the demands and requirements not to make any mistakes. The writing style, number of pages, language to use, elements to include, and other aspects should be clarified with the professor.
We have composed this article to help you understand how to write a report and give you some advice on effective writing.
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Formal Reports: What Should Be Your First Step?
There is a specific audience and purpose for a formal report, which is a document concisely written in sharp language. Setting the problem or situation gives the analysis and recommendations to the audience. Proper structure of reports is necessary, as it is a factual assignment that is supposed to be clear and precise.
Reports have to take into account a lot of aspects. First of all, you have to know what your audience is and what you aim to achieve in your writing. You will convey the intended message easier if you have an understanding of all the report elements and aspects. It is essential for you to ask the following questions before you start writing:
- What has already been completed and how?
- What results have you achieved?
- What can be concluded?
- What is supposed to be done in the report?
The audience expects to get clear writing and an understandable message in every paper. Your readers are diverse; that is why you cannot do without appendices and glossary for those who may lack knowledge of the topic. Thus, you will make sure that your audience understands what you want to say, but the readers with sufficient knowledge will not be bored with explanations in the body part.
Formal Report: Necessary Elements
The structure of your formal report should be your primary concern. Different institutions and organizations have their special outlines for formal reports; thus, you cannot merely apply the universal knowledge you have acquired to make your formal report effective anywhere.
Nevertheless, what are the elements that should be incorporated into your formal report?
- Cover letter – you send your call for action in a letter addressed to a person who will get acquainted with the content of your report.
- Title page – it includes the date when you submit the paper, the paper subject, the name of a particular company, and some background details about the writer.
- Table of contents – it is an enumeration of the report headings and subheadings.
- Abstract – this is a page with the mentioned aim of writing formal reports accompanied with the analysis of the findings, study problem, and value of the research.
- Introduction – it is a section that gives details regarding the value of this project and background information on a certain case.
- Discussion section – it is the description of the issue or project with the presentation of research results and their analysis.
- Section of conclusion – it is the analysis of the outcomes and results in brief.
- Recommendations – the writer gives advice on further measures that can be taken with the report information.
- Glossary – it is a list of terms with explanations.
- References – it is a list of sources for the research.
- Appendix - extra materials.
A cover letter is optional if the report is addressed to a particular person in the company. Still, a memo is needed to notify the receiver. Appendices with extra materials give some valuable information excluded from the report itself. They play an important role in technical reporting as they include illustrations, schemes, blanks, graphics, and so on.
Presenting a Formal Report
The style of report presentation should be both concise and simple. It is necessary as the readers want to navigate the information easily and access the data they need. If they can do that quickly, the impact of the report on them will be much greater. Have a look at the list of recommendations in terms of formatting styles for formal reports which can contribute to their better organization and better visibility:
- Lists: the value of lists is great as they break the data into understandable parts. You can use either bulleted or numbered lists.
- Fonts: the best options for formal writing are Times New Roman or Arial. It is essential to use only one font in the paper, although it is acceptable to use some other one for the section headings.
- Subheadings and headings: identification of different subtopics can be done with the help of headings and subheadings as they break the content into chunks easily manageable by the readers. It is one of the aspects that add to the proper organization of the report. The readers will be able to navigate through the report with the use of the table of contents.
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Outstanding Topics for Formal Reports
Have a look at a list of great topics for formal reports. They will inspire you and provoke more original thoughts!
- International experience: hotel industry innovations.
- Ozone layer impacted by space and rocket technologies.
- 3D-modeling: simulations and digital design.
- Passing exams: is it the same throughout the world?
- Personal development under the influence of social roles.
- Bridges of St. Petersburg: architectural features and historical background.
- Waste disposal: technological issues and environmental safety.
- Marketing promotion of innovative business start-ups.
- A global phenomenon of a bitcoin: issues and prospects.
- Waste processing: technological cycles of megacities.
- Attracting the investment of venture capital via start-up business planning.
- Impact of sculpture of Ancient Greece on modernist art.
- Healthcare marketing strategies: prospects for the future.
- GDP as a socio-economic development indicator: pros and cons.
- The USA in the context of the Human Development Index.
- Building new underground stations with shallow locations: innovative ideas.
- Distance learning: main issues and inconveniences.
- Brunelleschi in Early Renaissance architecture.
- Supercomputer modeling: historical background, 3D problems.
- Forms of cribs in the process of learning.
- Innovative strategies of marketing communication.
- Defect wall elimination as a result of long-term construction works.
- Protection of the ozone layer: Montreal Protocol.
- Global warming and the industrial city ecosystems: the role of acid rains.
- Utilization of industrial waste via a method of pyrolysis.
- Anthropogenic factors, greenhouse effect, and the role of carbon dioxide.
- French cathedrals in the Gothic style: Rouen Cathedral.
- Railway transport in Japan.
- Data mining and managing extensive data. Internet of things.
- Education: tradition and innovations.
- Dangers of industrial waste: underground disposal and corresponding ecological problems.
- The efficiency of the case method in education.
- Everyday use of artificial intelligence.
- Preventing the environmental problems via addressing the effects of the oil and gas industries.
- Development of the venture investment under the present-day conditions in the economy.
- Sorbents for cleaning wastewater contaminated with oil: dolomite powder.
- Corporate information systems: progress and related issues.
- Oil pricing.
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Writing Formal Reports: Related Issues
It is challenging to produce professional formal reports as the writer has to keep the attention of the audience from the initial section to the very last page. Moreover, it is a mistake to make reports excessively complicated. At the same time, the writer should take the required measures to provide comprehensible but new information to the readers who might be experienced in the topic. Thus, the task is to make the reports both formal and interesting to read. The audience will not spend their time on boring enumerations of the common facts. We have hired experts in precise but bright writing that makes a difference. They know how to structure the reports, how to make the lengths of the sentences sufficient but not excessive. Their skills of technical writing are excellent, but they manage to keep a focus on the message they need to send to the readers. Our services are communication-centered, and the clients value this.
It may be confusing for a student to understand how to make formal reports effective. We have taken responsibility to assist the students and give them the reports they need. We know how to make the interest of the audience excited and how to hook the readers from the first lines. Our experts are good at handling different materials and creating completing papers for the most demanding audience. Our key specialization is formal report writing, but we can also cover other areas if needed. You can request such services as writing dissertations, composing research proposals, working on research projects, producing essays, and doing all kinds of academic assignment work.