Guide to Writing a Sociology Dissertation

If you have to write a dissertation for the field of sociology, it does not mean you have to bring about radical change in this field. A dissertation is essentially a long research paper that requires you to read a lot of topic-related materials and to explore your chosen topic in great depth. Therefore, if you are looking for a sociology topic to suit your dissertation project, it is important you select one that you are interested in and one that improves understanding in that area. Anyone studying sociology are usually focused on learning more about how an individual’s existence is justified in a certain situation and how this existence is influenced by the individual’s social aspirations and values.

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Key Fields in Sociology (For the Purpose of Writing a Dissertation)

It is possible to divide the field of sociology into several sub-categories. These sub-categories are primarily used to evaluate how a variety of factors e.g. culture, a country’s economic climate, education, family values, and psychology play a part in how an individual behaves sociologically. The following are significant topics in the field of sociology: 

1. Possible Topics for a Dissertation on Criminal Sociology
Criminal sociology is a field concerned with understanding crime from a societal perspective e.g. its impact, dimensions, etc. It also covers the primary factors that cause various crimes to become prevalent e.g. domestic violence, juvenile crime, mob crime, and so on. Here are some topic ideas related to this area:

  • What role does gender and ethnicity play in gang and street wars in still-developing countries?
  • How some behaviors such as drug and alcohol use cause crime in UK-governed countries.
  • Discuss Durkheim’s theory of Anomie – analyze its role in juvenile crime. 
  • Does deprivation within families drive young people to crime?
  • What role does punishment play in reducing or eradicating crime? Is punishment the real panacea?

2. Possible Topics for a Dissertation on Economic Sociology
The way certain economic factors cause divisions within society has long been the subject of debate. Both individuals and groups have always competed to become the “elite of society.” Here are some worthy topics on this aspect of sociology:

  • Identify intra-household wage structures in British society. 
  • Is it right to define a social structure by dividing its members into blue and white collar workers?
  • Identify the connection between spending power and product quality.
  • Critically analyze the model of communism and say whether your findings are relevant to the UK’s societal structure.
  • Discuss Marx’s view of capitalism and its application to the UK’s societal structure.

3. Possible Topics for a Dissertation on Gender Sociology
The subject of gender sociology covers gender discrimination or bias and a number of other issues related to the structure of a society and its development. Here are some topic ideas concerning gender sociology:

  • Women are increasingly emerging as entrepreneurs. What exactly is their role in this respect?
  • Can gender-based roles be guided by religion and, if so, how?
  • The role gender sociology plays in helping to define occupational and/or career preferences.
  • Identify areas of female discrimination in modern workplaces.
  • What role do the media play in the way gender roles are defined within various societies?

4. Possible Topics for a Dissertation on Political Sociology
The field of political sociology involves studying the relationship between authority, power, ownership, and rules and an individual’s behavior. The following are some topics concerning this area:

  • Why democracy is a relevant driver in capital-based societies.
  • The impact of gender equality in general and on the British electoral system.
  • What relationship exists between politics and religion, and what is the role of these as societal entities?
  • In the UK societal structure, how relevant is pluralism?
  • What is the role and scope of ethnic minority groups in the government structures in UK-governed countries?


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Additional Tips on Selecting a Suitable Topic for a Sociology Dissertation

The writer of a dissertation is not usually expected to produce something totally new or out-of-the-ordinary. The task is more about critically analyzing an existing situation, phenomenon, or concept and also how applicable it is. Hence, a topic does not need to always address a recent issue. Because this is a task that takes a lot of time and energy, it is worth keeping in mind that any topic you choose should:

  • Have enough scope for it to be properly researched and explored.
  • Be such that a relevant methodology can be used to research it.
  • Address a significant issue and be capable of being critically analyzed.
  • Make a contribution to what is already known about the field it relates to. 
  • It helps if the writer/researcher is genuinely interested in their chosen topic.

Hire Our Expert Sociology Writers to Help with Your Dissertation

Most topics concerning sociology are quite dry and often complex, and do need to be researched to quite a significant extent. Few people have the patience and skills to do this, not to mention everything else that is required to produce a high-grade paper. However, with a little help from, you will be able to deal with any sociology topic with consummate ease and additionally achieve a high grade. So, contact our representatives today to get sample papers, examples, a list of topics, help with the actual writing, and much more. A comprehensive set of dissertation writing services is waiting for you.