ISEE Lower Level Essay Topics: Be Ready for a Challenge!
In this ISEE Test section, you will get a prompt and a set of requirements for writing a short essay. You cannot predict which prompt will be chosen for you as the selection is done at random depending on the date of the taken test. The prompts contain some ISEE lower-level essay topics, which appeal to the students’ interests at a certain grade level. Each of the topics gives a chance for the students to introduce themselves individually telling a story about their personalities. This section of the test allows the students to express their ideas and present themselves to the committee of the schools they are applying to.
It is allowed to take notes while working on the ISEE Test, and each student gets a sheet of paper for this. According to the requirements, the scope of writing is limited to two pre-lined pages and the writing should be done in ink. It is permitted to use erasable ink. Note that it is necessary to have the prompt rewritten on the first page, right at the top. The time allowed for writing an ISEE essay is 30 minutes. You should practice a lot to be able to cope with everything, including organizing the ideas, composing an outline, and working on the final variant of the essay, during this time. No matter which ISEE lower level essay topics are chosen, the requirement is to use either cursive or print for writing directly on the distributed pre-lined papers in black or blue ink with ballpoint pen.
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Guidelines for ISEE Essay Practice
First of all, make sure that you have read the prompt for the essay carefully. We recommend you not to be in a hurry. Even if you feel tempted to finalize writing using only half of your time, you should not rush. Good time management is obligatory, but it is wrong to complete the task as soon as possible. Look through the prompt several times, as you have to start answering only after you have understood all the instructions. It will be a complete failure if you compose the whole text on the wrong topic.
Get acquainted with the examples of the previous ISEE tasks, as you have to learn about the expectations of the graders before you start writing. Besides, you will get to know which common mistakes you can avoid.
Reading sample prompts, try practicing. It is hardly ever possible to get the same topic during the test, but your work on similar ones will be beneficial for you. If you are good at following the required format of papers on ISEE lower-level essay topics, you will be able to use the needed writing style easily and your actual writing process will be much smoother.
Mind the time. Practice using the timer as you will have to try the actual testing conditions. You have to get accustomed to the pressure of the test and the time constraints you will face.
Do you know what your essay will be about? Are you afraid that you will be asked about complicated physics? Should you remember all the dates from ancient history? Definitely, no! The topics for such essays are never complicated. In fact, they will always be related to your personal experience and evidence from your life to illustrate some general concepts. Have a look at the sample topics:
Do you still feel anxious about writing? Have you completed an outline? If you have, you can start writing. Make sure that every paragraph of your essay contains four or five sentences, while the introductory and final paragraphs can have one or two sentences. Thus, you will have half an hour to write about twenty sentences. Focus on the quality content and do not overload your text. Make sure all the points are precise and clear.
You will not have any problems with ISEE essays of any level if you learn to manage your time and construct effective texts.
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ISEE Essay Prompts
When writing your ISEE lower level essay, you should keep in mind that admission officers are interested in not only your ability to make personal reflections, describe your ideas, and organize your thoughts in a logical order but they also want to learn more about your personality, your strengths and career aspirations, as well as the characteristic features that make you different from other applicants. Typically, ISEE lower-level essay prompts ask applicants to describe an event, person, experience, place, idea, object, animal, etc. For instance, you may be asked to answer one of the following prompts:
- Who is your favorite musician? What do you like about his music?
- What place you would like to visit? Explain your choice.
- What historical figure you would invite for a dinner and why?
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Helpful Tips for Writing ISEE Lower Level Essay
- Make sure to read the prompt carefully. While working on your essay, you may be tempted to do everything as soon as possible. However, you should understand that rushing through your questions is not a good strategy as such an essay is pretty important for your academic career;
- Read some samples of ISEE essays. Well-written samples will help you figure out how your paper should be written, structured, and formatted. Besides, these samples will help you understand what does your tutor expect from you;
- Organize the writing process carefully. Once you have received your task, it is highly recommended to start working on it immediately. By procrastinating, you will not be able to write an engaging and interesting essay;
- Use a timer. To replicate the testing conditions, you will need to set a timer and check it from time to time. This will provide you with a kind of time constraint that will help you avoid pressure when working on other assignments.